You can choose Economics/Construction Operations option and become an estimator and continue your education in Bachelor of Technology of Construction Management. With a bachelor of Architecture from BCIT you're called an Architectural Technologist. Furthermore, if you want to be an architect, you need to have a Master of Architectural science in an accredited university in Canada. In spite of the fact that many students graduated from high school think they can design buildings with a diploma(first two years), you are not allowed to design buildings with a diploma(ABT). If you want to study Architecture at BCIT, you need to study an additional two years and get your Bachelor of Architecture and become an architectural technologist. You must choose an option between three options in the end of the first year, namely Architectural, Economics/Construction Operations and Building science. If you're interested in Architecture and want to study at BCIT, you need to apply to a program called Architectural and Building Technology(ABT).