Drinking game little green man
Drinking game little green man

drinking game little green man

"Drinking with the Clock"- players imbibe socially with the minute hand of the clock, and penalties against the minute hand. When the wrong hand is used, fellow competitors shout "BUFFALO!" to indicate the offence and wait for punishment. Players must always consume beverages with their left hand. At NO time can you point at anything with your fingers, you could use your elbows or clenched fist, these are popular alternativesĢ. During these games, these rules MUST BE FOLLOWED:ġ. Games Master - In charge of the game that everyone is playing. (all the above Masters, not including Games Master and Question Master, change after every round, and the loser becomes the new master.Anybody who loses at the said round, must consume a punishment given, by the Chairman and Mr Weights and Measures (Ben Press))ġ1. The loser then becomes the new Pistols at Dawn Master. A quick fire standoff ensues, the last person to stand up, shoot their opposition and scream "BANG" dies, and has to neck the rest of his/her drink. Pistols at Dawn Master - This master at any point in the session can point with his makeshift guns to any two drinkers at the table, screaming "PISTOLS AT DAWN!!!!". Grenade Master- Someone shouts "grenade", everyone hits the floor- last person to do so is given a suitable punishment (the peoples choice)ġ1. Question Master - when the Question Master asks anyone a question, the only appropriate and acceptable response is, "F**K OFF".ġ0. The last one to do so drink the forfeit and becomes new masterĦ.Freeze Master-everyone must freeze in the same pose as the freeze master, the loser now becomes the new master.ħ.Jive Master-when the jive master does a dance, all other players perform the same dance, the loser becomes the new masterĨ.Head Master - when they place their head on the table others must follow, last to do so then becomes the new master.ĩ. The Snitch's Snitch - no explanation neededĥ.Thumb Master-if the thumb master places his or her thumb on the edge of the table, all other players must do the same. The Snitch - responsible for reporting any offences to Mr ChairmanĤ. Also he can arbitrarily command the immediate consumption of all beverages on the table at any time by calling "Last Orders"ģ. Mr Weights and Measure - responsible for deciding and enforcing forfeits. Mr Chairman - responsible for clarifying existing rules, must be consulted as "Mr Chairman"Ģ. If you are last to do anything then we tend to play the 2 finger rule (drink 2 fingers)ġ.

Drinking game little green man