However, you can still use this tool for stages generated with SonicGLvl 0.5.7 or old versions of Hedgehog Converter. Note: Latest Hedgehog Converter is already capable of generating terrain block data.
A program that generates terrain block data for a stage to significantly improve the performance.However, you can still use this tool for packing of GI textures generated through other software.
Note: HedgeGI is already capable of packing lightmaps into stages. You can afterwards drag and drop the Packed stage folder that contains the. ghz200-HedgeGI (contains lightmap/shadowmap files). Place your lightmap/shadowmap files in a folder which is named after your stage but with -HedgeGI suffix, for example:. This is a replacement for Post Render mode in GIAtlasConverter. Drag and drop the Packed stage folder that contains the. A program that regenerates triangle strip data for every model in a stage to fix the crash on Nvidia Turing GPUs. A program that converts a Sonic Lost World model file to a Sonic Generations one. If you don't want the database to be reset by the editor, make it read-only. A shader database for SonicGLvl 0.5.7 which contains every shader from Sonic Generations and Sonic Unleashed. A program that creates a PFD file with its corresponding PFI file from a folder to work with Sonic Unleashed. A program that converts an EVS file to an XML, and vice versa. A program that allows you to extract AR or PFD files. A program that allows you to create AR archives with its corresponding ARL file from a folder. A program that separates lightmap and shadowmap texture from a complete GI map. A maxscript that allows you to import light files or a light list file. A maxscript that allows you to import a. A program that allows you to change the shadowmap resolution of the FxPipeline Renderer. A program that allows you to translate, rotate and scale a stage. A program that crops GI textures from a folder of uncompressed gia-#.ar files. It also supports unpacking archives from the original game, but archives created using this program are only going to work with the mod enabled. A program that allows you to unpack or create LZ4 compressed archives for the PBR Shaders mod. A Havok Content Tools 2010 options file that allows you to export animations for Sonic Generations. Modified version of terrain2fbx to search for PNG textures instead of DDS. To have a full conversion, please ensure that you've included everything. A program that allows you to convert terrain models inside a folder to an FBX file. A program that allows you to extract or create a CPK file. Almost every program here works with drag and drop.